
My work as a lyricist has expanded over the last years, navigating between genres and different tones to suit the music encountering the words. Below are a few excerpts of my lyrics.

All of my CD’s are accompanied by booklets featuring my lyrics, with the exception of “Until the Dawn”. The lyrics to “Until the Dawn” are available on my Patreon-page.

ANA – Until the Dawn
which aren't mornings

which are more like afternoons 

I am not sure I like them 

Because time passes
far too soon

which are too late

They’ll be pounding down my door 

They plague my days

For ageing weighs,
even when you're young
and raw

I'm young, 
I know,
Time says it's so;

Still, head-to-toe
That changes though

And yet I'm old, I'm old, I know - my little brother tells me so

Let me be your supernova

Who's changing everything

Your rock and roll, your secret lover

Your sweetest prayer and favourite sin
Ana & the Duorkestra – Three’s a Crowd
Always True

Hold me close

When I fall

When in doubt 

Just say We'll lose 
It all

Always tell the truth 

Then we'll work it out

You always understood 

The rest is just no good 

I'll have no fear,

So lost 
But always true
Diederik Wissels / Ana Rocha – Secrecy

When the words stay unspoken, but the story gets told 

When just a moment in time sees an answer unfold

When there’s light in the darkness, 

When the sky clears of rain 

When the deep cut of sadness let’s life begin again
Espelhos – Encontros D’Água
O Tempo Sabe

Levo no peito
A espera, o sono

Lá fora o mundo inteiro

Sigo a estrada

Sei quem fui

No vento iço as velas

Por amor atento

Procuro as palavras
Espelhos – Canções Portuguesas

Sem sossegar
Num vai e vem de mar

Sopra o vento em danças mil


Como se estrelas caíssem ao chão

Reflexos de oiro e azul

Levas o tempo na palma da mão
Que o sol já beijou

Na tarde o calor

Lembra histórias de céu e de mar
E a noite cai sem mais um som.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to know more about my lyrics, or if you are looking for a lyricist for your music.
I’ve written lyrics for several composers and musicians, among them Boris Schmidt, Elisabeth Tuchmann, Volodymir Antoniv and Filipe Duarte.